
Recent & Upcoming Events
– Saturday 25 May from 12.00 to 4.00pm, National Trust BBQ. Museum Porter Street.
– Wednesday 29 May, South Coast Suicide Prevention Event and BBQ. Goolwa Oval.
– Lions Club of Goolwa, Friday 7 June, Grand opening of our new book facility at Wildman Street, Goolwa. Open to public from 12.00 to 4.00pm.
– Lions Club of Goolwa, Sunday 9 June, Handover Luncheon, at South Lakes Golf Club. Invitation only.
– Bunnings BBQ Victor Harbor. Sunday 23 June, 9.00am to 4.00pm.
– Bunnings BBQ, Victor Harbor. Sunday 4 August, 9.00am to 4.00pm.
– Bunnings BBQ, Victor Harbor. Saturday 12 October, 9.00am to 4.00pm.
Saturdat 16th and Sunday 17th Lions Skin Cancer Screening Unit at Goolwa Secondary College.
Latest News

The Goolwa Lions “Book Den” is finally open!!
On 31 July last year the doors were closed and on 19 August the “Shed” as it was affectionately known, was gone. The Lions Club

Winners of the 2023-24 Corinne Stone Award
The Goolwa lions Club won a Corinne Stone District Project Award in recognition of an outstandingly successful community project. The project was the brainchild of

Lions Hearing Dogs
On Thursday 13 July 2023, Maverick, a three-year old Border Terrier was delivered to his new recipient, Ann. Maverick had been previously placed but was

Goolwa On Farm Equipment Clearing Sale
On Friday 26 May 2023 at 11:00 am our club was asked to conduct a BBQ with drinks at an auction of farm equipment, on

Goolwa Bowling Club 100 Year Anniversary
The Goolwa Bowling Club celebrated its 100-year anniversary by holding a two-day tournament on Monday 22 and Tuesday 23 May 2023. Teams from far afield

Goolwa Surf Lifesaving Club
In 2019, Goolwa SLSC moved into a brand-new clubhouse. As the club is expanding and the beach at Goolwa is getting busier, they require new